Managing a 111 Acre Hunting Property
huntThere are a lot of truck bed accessory options out there. Ultimately, what drove you to DiamondBack?
Daniel: Versatility was key. The possibilities for how I could use a DiamondBack Cover drew me to the system. With a 1600 lbs. load-capacity and 12 tie-down cleats, how can you beat it? Plus, it looks fantastic. After I visualized my ATV sitting there when I needed it most, or a pallet of supplies I might just need, any other cover just seemed sub-optimal. Often times, those that see mine quickly realize their mistake.
While we may all dream 24/7 about that one spot, or our next outing. On a typical day, where would we find you?
Daniel: I formerly worked for the Department of Defense. However, these days you’ll find me in my home office, sitting behind a computer working on my second career as a consultant.
You’re headed out on a weekend trip. Where are you headed?
Daniel: Either out on an Ohio hunt, or some local hunting property here in Virginia. In the off seasons you’ll also find me with a rod in hand on a local lake. When neither of those are an option, I’ll spend time prepping my property for next years hunts.
Tell us about your favorite gear and gadgets that cost under $100.
Daniel: I love my DiamondBack Ratchet Tie-Downs, with the clips for keeping the hook on the tie-down for when straps come loose. Hunting apps like onX are awesome too for gathering land intel. You can never have too many headlamps and flashlights to find your way around or find the buck of a lifetime you just dropped.
What is one piece of gear you’ll never hunt without?
Daniel: Binoculars and the ATV when covering lots of ground, and obviously my weapon of choice for the season – cannot forget that.
Give us an inside look at your bed setup. What is one thing we could always count on finding underneath your DiamondBack?
Daniel: Managing land comes with its own set of responsibilities. My at-the-ready gear changes by season, however quite often you’ll find a chainsaw and jerry can for timber management efforts.
Tell us about one hunt that you’ll never forget?
Daniel: It's hard to pick any one hunt. However, I brought my son into this sport at an early age and watched him through the years quickly become a better hunter than me. I greatly enjoy each of his successes more than my own. There was one hunt in Ohio where we both shot mature bucks. His early on and mine at the last minute of the final day. It was a great celebration and dream come true for a father-son duo. The mounts now live side-by-side in the man-cave, that's what it's all about.