Professional Hunting Guide – DiamondBack Covers
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Professional Hunting Guide


Ben P. from Georgia

Whether chasing 10-ft. Alaskan Brown bears as a professional hunting guide or running solo on the tail of a monster Muley, preparedness is always at the top of mind for Ben P. of Northern Georgia. Coming around to the bed of his 2011 F-250 Super Duty you’ll find a DiamondBack HD in Rugged Black equipped with a Headache Rack to protect his back glass from anything that might find its way on the top of his heavy-duty tonneau. Finally, taking a look underneath you’ll find a Cross Bin 8 organizing anything and everything a hunt may call for.

There are a lot of truck bed accessory options out there. Ultimately, what drove you to DiamondBack?

Ben: I have a lot of gear that travels with me all over the place, I was tired of shoving it all in my back seat – I wanted to reclaim that space. Ultimately I decided to invest in a DiamondBack heavy duty tonneau cover for the versatility. I feel totally comfortable leaving guns, generators, or anything else in the bed of my truck knowing it’s secure and out of the elements. I haul heavy loads on top semi-regularly as well. DiamondBack tonneau covers are so much tougher than any other cover, I love every aspect of the cover.

While we may all dream 24/7 about that one spot, or our next outing. On a typical day, where would we find you?

Ben: My typical workday is pretty unique. As a professional hunting guide, I spend my working hours doing things most people would only get to do in their free time. My home base changes seasonally, but depending on the time of year I’ll be chasing anything from dall sheep and 10-ft. brown bears in Alaska, muleys in Montana, or running bird dogs on a quail plantation in Georgia.

Tell us about your favorite gear and gadgets that cost under $100.

Ben: Good gear comes at a cost, however, a simple pair of Primos Polecat bipod shooting sticks goes a long way. You don’t need fancy heavy tripods or anything, just something to get you above the brush when a moose or bear is in your sights!

What is one piece of gear you’ll never hunt without?

Ben: Oh man, I have so many. When you guide hunts for a living you figure out pretty quickly what works and what doesn’t. I use Havalon and Outdoor Edge (depending on the animal) replaceable blade knives for butchering, they are a must. When you spend months in the field you can’t keep knives sharp enough, carry around extra blades and never miss a beat. I also make sure to always carry a 406 Epirb beacon and Garmin inReach in Alaska, can never be too safe.

Give us an inside look at your bed setup. What are some things we can always count on finding underneath your DiamondBack?

Ben: If my camper is in tow, two portable Champion generators to support it’s systems, an axe, shovel, jack capable of lifting my truck, and other various gear. And a bug-out bag of course!

Tell us about one hunt that you’ll never forget?

Ben: Can I have two? The first being very first sheep hunt in Alaska. I was packing for an outfitter and one of our hunters had a heart attack. Very long story short, we had to carry him out several miles out of the brush to where a chopper could airlift him out, it was wild. The second was my first successful sheep hunt as a guide was with a wounded veteran who was gifted the hunt by GSCO. Amazing guy and he killed an absolutely amazing ram. Getting to get him on that ram was indescribable. He deserved to have a successful hunt and we were blessed to fill his tag on a stud!


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