The Freedom Tremor Impact – DiamondBack Covers

The Freedom Tremor Impact


Before the Freedom Tremor campaign began, our team and Last Line of Defense set our sights on what kind of impact this truck giveaway would make. What kind of impact it would have on the people who entered and donated; what kind of impact all of you would make through donating; what kind of impact it would have on A21; and ultimately, what kind of impact it would have on the epidemic of human trafficking.

If we wanted to have a significant effect, there’s no question that it would take a team effort. It was emphasized throughout the entire giveaway. A truck built for a large cause meant an effort just as massive. The question of “why isn’t the fight against human trafficking more widely championed?” soon turned into “how can we all be a part of the solution through this giveaway?”

human trafficking awareness

Thank You, From Us

Through your donations and Last Line of Defense’s passion for fighting against a cause as enormous as this, impacts were certainly made. And for that, our team at DiamondBack couldn’t be more grateful for your support. When the Freedom Tremor project was merely an idea, the single most important objective was to raise awareness around the issue of human trafficking…and it can be confidently said that the mission was accomplished.

To give insight into your contributions:

  • More than 500,000 times, you liked, shared, and commented on Freedom Tremor videos and posts through social media
  • As a result, the Freedom Tremor Project reached more than 14 million people in the U.S.
  • More than 10,000 of you placed orders for Freedom Tremor merchandise

The project born from an issue burning in Mike’s heart turned into a year-long truck build and giveaway to raise awareness for human trafficking and donate funds to an organization that’s active in the fight. From his idea, a domino effect occurred. By coming together to launch the Freedom Tremor campaign, Mike’s enthusiasm rubbed off on our team, which in turn rubbed off on hundreds of thousands of people. It was truly a team effort. Through the impressions made, we were able to collectively and directly contribute to the very thing that Last Line of Defense emphasized to us: fighting modern slavery.

A Lasting Impact

Before embarking on the Freedom Tremor journey, the only thing both DiamondBack and Last Line of Defense knew was that any funds toward an anti-human slavery organization would help. We didn’t know what to expect. But what can now be said is that as a result of the 10,000 plus Freedom Tremor orders that were placed, we were able to donate over $200,000 to the A21 Campaign.

What will that look like for an organization like A21?

A21 can use the funds however it decides. To put the donation into perspective, A21 has centers and services across the world working every minute of every day to reach, restore, and rescue slaves. Resources such as Child Advocacy Centers, 24/7 Hotlines, and Freedom Centers can all be incredibly affected by the Freedom Tremor funds to create safe environments for children, provide aftercare for victims, report concerns, etc.

For more information or to donate, visit A21.

human trafficking call center hotline

Christine Caine, co-founder of A21, is quoted as saying, “No one person can do everything, but every one of us can do something.” That holds true with the funds you’ve helped raise with us through Freedom Tremor. Whether it’s one dollar or two hundred thousand dollars. Every dollar helps. Whether it’s one life or multiple lives, every life rescued is worth the effort. However it looks, it’s about making a difference, and DiamondBack is proud to hold that principle as one of its company core values and standards.


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