Jason Matzinger
HuntWhat’s your favorite piece of land on earth and why?
Jason: Montana. My family has been a part of this landscape for 4 generations. We’ve done our best to take care of her and in return she has provided us with an incredible life…
Tell us about your toughest day in the woods. Any changes to your preparation as a result?
Jason: I’ve had so many tough days it’s honestly hard for me to pick out just one. Overall, I have learned to be more prepared with basics like food & water. It’s easy to get tunnel vision for the hunt and forget what the stakes are.
You never seem to slow down. What keeps you going?
Jason: The thought of wildlife & wild places all being gone someday and not being able to enjoy the freedom & clarity they provide to us and our souls.
Do you ever relax? How?
Jason: Camping with my boys is about as relaxed as you’ll find me these days.