Maxx Powell
OutdoorHow did you first become interested in filming YouTube content?
Maxx: It started long before YouTube was considered a potential career. One of my first business ideas was to buy Flip cameras for all of my buddies when we were in our early teens. We grew up in an area that didn’t have much going on, so we created our own fun and would film everything. Once a week, we’d meet to compile and edit our footage, and then submit our content to whoever would publish. We actually had a few go viral and our group still gets an occasional royalty check. I started my YouTube channel in 2015.
What are you going to tackle next? Anything on the bucket list you hope to cross off soon?
Maxx: I’d love to get my pilot’s license and buy a little four-seater plane, and I’m working towards Scuba certification. Whether in the sky or water, I love the feeling of being in another world.
Tell us about the toughest day you've spent outdoors? Any changes to your preparation as a result?
Maxx: Years ago, I was on a group trip to Moab and one of our vehicles wasn’t up to the challenge. We had to take an easier but much longer route and spent 20 hours battling deep, nasty snow. We ran out of fuel but siphoned enough from a diesel generator to make it out. Everyone and everything was soaked. I’ll never again take a vehicle anywhere without my rubber boots.
Do you ever relax? How?
Maxx: May sound funny but I relax by multi-tasking. For example, listening to an audiobook while driving a tractor on the farm. Either on on its own might bore me a bit but combining them helps me mellow.